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Chinese translation for "rules, regulation"


Related Translations:
the producers:  制片家
the lodger:  寄宿人
the servant:  墙内墙外
the secret:  疯劫
the faithful:  信友
the jerk:  开心大少
the templars:  圣殿骑(武)士团
the sound barrier:  一飞冲天
the gold rush:  妙人奇迹身在该处
the chinese feast:  金玉满堂
Example Sentences:
1.He can issue rules, regulations and instructions, called executive orders, which have the binding force of law upon federal agencies .
2.Formulate rules , regulations and systems of accounting and management
3.Rules , regulations and disclaimers for american express internet world wide web sites
4.However , no universally accepted rules , regulations or definitions governed the swimming events
5.Rules , regulations , awards and judging panel are subject to change without prior notice
6.There are various rules , regulations and responsibilities governing the transportation of dangerous goods across international borders
7.Information on special education rules , regulations . technicial assistance documents various disability categories . interactive iep training
8.In judicial practice , improper profit should include illicit profit and the profit which violates rules , regulations , decrees and socialist morality
在司法实践中, “不正当利益”应当包括非法利益,违背规章、制度、条例、办法、命令等(包括企、事业单位。
9.Party b must abide by party a ' s rules , regulations and disciplines , follow party a ' s instruction , management and work assignment ; and fulfil responsibilities required by the post
10.What everyone enjoys the rights , obligations to fulfill what is clearly not as they please , but by the community through the recognition of certain rules , regulations and give
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