| 1. | He can issue rules, regulations and instructions, called executive orders, which have the binding force of law upon federal agencies . 他可以发布规则、条例和指示,即对联邦机关有法律约束力的政令。 |
| 2. | Formulate rules , regulations and systems of accounting and management 设计财务制度及各类管理制度 |
| 3. | Rules , regulations and disclaimers for american express internet world wide web sites 美国运通互联网站之进入及使用规则与管理条款“本规则” |
| 4. | However , no universally accepted rules , regulations or definitions governed the swimming events 但当时游泳比赛尚没有统一的竞赛规则及标准。 |
| 5. | Rules , regulations , awards and judging panel are subject to change without prior notice 主办单位有权修改比赛规则、奖品内容及评委会成员,如有修改,恕不另行通告。 |
| 6. | There are various rules , regulations and responsibilities governing the transportation of dangerous goods across international borders 现行有不同的规定,条例及责任指引如何运送危险品至国际边界。 |
| 7. | Information on special education rules , regulations . technicial assistance documents various disability categories . interactive iep training -提供特教新闻手语课程聋童心理咨询聋哑医学知识和各地聋哑学校介绍。 |
| 8. | In judicial practice , improper profit should include illicit profit and the profit which violates rules , regulations , decrees and socialist morality 在司法实践中, “不正当利益”应当包括非法利益,违背规章、制度、条例、办法、命令等(包括企、事业单位。 |
| 9. | Party b must abide by party a ' s rules , regulations and disciplines , follow party a ' s instruction , management and work assignment ; and fulfil responsibilities required by the post 乙方必须严格遵守甲方依法制订的各项规章制度,服从分配和管理,并履行本岗位职责。 |
| 10. | What everyone enjoys the rights , obligations to fulfill what is clearly not as they please , but by the community through the recognition of certain rules , regulations and give 如何正确地认识权利,正确地行使权利,当权利受到侵犯正确地维护权利是大学生意识中亟待解决的问题。 |